This is just another one of those messes I'm used to...
but this is just too much...
why does he have to win?
I know we can do better.
[Wake up exausted, Tegan and Sara: I hated this city before you came here(...)we're strangers, we're not friends. I hate this]
I know you all.
I'm sure if you talk (seriously please talk)
You'll understand how we all miss each other...
or maybe I'm the only one who cares...
I know I'm not.
[Fix you up, Tegan and Sara: there's not a lot for you to give if you're giving in, and there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it]
No one is upset,
but everyone is upset.
Don't be like that.
We all made mistakes.
That's normal, that's human did you know?
Don't expect perfect people...that's impossible.
They will always hurt you no matter what because that's how it is...
we hurt the ones we love the most.
Stop! Look! Just look back for a second!
Didn't it feel good!
All together, always laughing!
Maybe it's just me...
maybe it's just because I spend less time with you all this time of the year
or maybe it's because I don't want to be cut in seven pieces...
I know how it is to be cut in two,
don't do this to me,
cause I would try to please all of you
and in the end I would be far away from each of you
because I can't be everywhere at every time.
but this is just too much...
why does he have to win?
I know we can do better.
[Wake up exausted, Tegan and Sara: I hated this city before you came here(...)we're strangers, we're not friends. I hate this]
I know you all.
I'm sure if you talk (seriously please talk)
You'll understand how we all miss each other...
or maybe I'm the only one who cares...
I know I'm not.
[Fix you up, Tegan and Sara: there's not a lot for you to give if you're giving in, and there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it]
No one is upset,
but everyone is upset.
Don't be like that.
We all made mistakes.
That's normal, that's human did you know?
Don't expect perfect people...that's impossible.
They will always hurt you no matter what because that's how it is...
we hurt the ones we love the most.
Stop! Look! Just look back for a second!
Didn't it feel good!
All together, always laughing!
Maybe it's just me...
maybe it's just because I spend less time with you all this time of the year
or maybe it's because I don't want to be cut in seven pieces...
I know how it is to be cut in two,
don't do this to me,
cause I would try to please all of you
and in the end I would be far away from each of you
because I can't be everywhere at every time.
You (and now I say you to one person and not all of you:P)
you say you don't care
but I know you do.
You (referring to another person) are willing to try because you miss the friendship too.
You don't really care but you never liked each other
I can now see that.
You care but he's not getting that.
I love you all but I do not feel good like this...something is missing,
that feeling of «belonging»
that feeling that everyone loves everyone
[photo with the circle]
[The same old world, Fingertips: cause it's the same old story and the same old game we played]
I am already cut in two,
don't cut me into hurts.
And seriously my heart is tired to suffer with the "friendships" subject.
Just do me this favor...please.
(However, I thank the two people who have been with me most of this time -months to be more precisely-, even though they don't know nothing-and even though that maybe just maybe they may hurt me tomorrow, I don't know- they have been with me)
(Thanks also to the less present, not always noticed but caring two other people who once in a while give me joy and some other times give me sadness...hey not complaining, that's how friendship works, the only thing I complain about is the few time we spend together)
É nesta altura que eu fico em dúvida se a música I'll be there for you dos Friends é mesmo sentida...mas depois há coisas que me fazem pensar que sim e outras que não...enfim...confusão...
confusão que eu quero esquecer por agora...desabafo e resolvo não me ralar mais por uns quantos tempos with this matter...
Ouço música e recordo o quão bom foi o ano lectivo 2004/2005 (melhor ano) e inicios de 2005/2006.
tudo muda. e muitas vezes muda exactamente aquilo que não queríamos que mudasse. só que às vezes a culpa é nossa, outras não. há vezes que acontece. mas quando foi algo que fizémos é certo que tentemo emendar os erros, para deixar prevalecer a amizade, o companheirismo. mas como te digo sempre, it takes two. e se um lado não está interessado (pelo que dizes, e de certa forma pelo que se vê), não há muito que possa ser feito. depois, não te esqueças que há pessoas diferentes, que não pensam e não sentem (nem nunca sentiram) como nós. delas não podes esperar certas e determinadas acções. apenas tens que aceitá-las se te queres dar com elas. há sempre algo a fazer, mas quando começamos a bater muitas vezes com a cabeça, quando todas as tentaivas falham, começas a desgastar, a cansar, e começamos a pensar se valerá mesmo a pena... parece forçado. e ninguém quer amizades forçadas. ninguém mais que eu (tu sabes do que estou a falar) sofreu e sentiu aquilo. da mesma maneira que tentei, tentei, tentei. agora, parei porque penso "para quê?" tentei para quê? para nada. então, vou tentar mais? não...não vejo esperança nisso. cansei-me de bater com a cabeça. também sei (e tu tembém) que volta e meia e vou voltar a tentar, mas não me vou deixar chegar ao estado em que ficava. quando não querem, não podes obrigar a comer.
tens aqueles que não te abandonam e não te viram as costas (e não a dizer que assim foi com aquilo que sabes, mas não podes negar o óbvio afastamento).
estamos aqui. :) ************
marina, at 4:42 PM
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